But it has been busy, and getting busier. Stress and anxiety are now reaching critical levels at post-secondary institutions
everywhere — for both students
and faculty. Academics at every career stage are searching for ways to improve their quality of life.
Thankfully though, ‘health
and wellness’ has become the new slogan demanding increasing attention in
virtually every segment of society — including where I work. Earlier this year, my university principal
added his signature
to the ‘Okanagan Charter’ — a formal commitment to embedding health and wellness in campus culture.
It seems to me that this represents de facto endorsement for some sensible adjustments in
academia for scaling down conventional work hours — to something perhaps more typical of the
‘standard’ work week: 40 hours (including the ‘lunch hour’).
For now at least, my colleagues at work are probably more
likely than in the past to hear me say: “Sounds good, and I’d like to be involved
with that, ... but — sorry — there just aren’t enough hours in the day!”